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Virtual Home Office Design:

Are you STRESSED? Are you new to working at home? Do you need PEACE AND HARMONY in your home? Is your home crowded with school age and college kids, spouses

I am offering a virtual service to help people make a home office space more conducive for work. During our 30-minute session: I will make practical, actionable suggestions for you to implement and work more effectively. By using the Zoom platform or Facetime, I will virtually tour your home, so I can understand your spatial situation.

We will discuss:  

  • Your current use of the room
  • How you’d like to use the room & your current needs
  • What you have available in your home that we could re-purpose for the space and/or make suggestions of what could be purchased  
  • Your project budget or no budget   

To make the best use of our time, please have on hand:   

-The family members that you want involved 

-A few images of spaces you DO like  

-A few images of spaces you DON’T like  

-Access to video on Zoom or Facetime     

-A tape measure or yardstick